Chiq_Chaq - wiki for regular people |
Chiq_chaq was inspired by WikiWikiWeb,
implementing forum-like features and dynamic site management,
combined with easy localization and friendliness towards non-technical
You can see a working
English chiq_chaq,
or visit an active
Hebrew chiq_chaq group.
Latest version is freely available at http://sourceforge.net/projects/chiqchaq.
Feature Highlights:
- Fast "add to page" textarea at the bottom of each page, alongside
whole page edit for advanced users.
- Auto-linking of words_with_underscores to pages with that
title (for languages that do not have lower and upper case, like
Hebrew, Arabic, Kanji).
- Cool recent_changes page for any number of days, with options to hide
changes of certain types or changes to pages that the user already
browsed, and much more.
- Full text and title search with highlighted search hits.
- Supports bold and italic text, multi-level bulleted and numbered
lists, headings, superscripts, greeks, source code highlighting.
- Auto-identifies hyperlinks and image URL's.
- Emoticon images.
- Random teasers: simple and easy mechanism for "internal banners" or
"quote of the day".
- Out-of-the-box functional site - in either English, German or Hebrew -
including: Home Page,
Online Help,
Recent Changes,
Terms of Use,
Privacy Policy,
and more. (All of these pages can be modified or deleted.)
- Category pages with automatic listing of pages in the category.
- Detection and resolution of edit collisions.
- Active content plug-ins can be inserted into a page, like external
script output or separate HTML pages.
- Multiple webs on the same server, each one configurable separately.
- Live statistics, allowing user-defined queries.
- Inter-wiki linking.
- Configurable language locale (for identifying link words and for date
- Uses skins (page templates) and CSS to customize page design.
- Server side works on both Unix and Windows NT/2000.
System Requirements:
- Server side: An HTTP server with Perl 5.6 or newer.
- Client side: MS Internet Explorer 5.0 or later, Mozilla 1.2 or later.
(Users of other browsers can view and change pages, but
may miss some of the advanced features.)
For questions and suggestions please contact Yonat Sharon.
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." -- Arthur C. Clarke